中文版 (仁者)
2014/March/19 下午,刘越遇难。
2014/March/20 卜凡雁及孩子回到渥太华。
2014/March/22 晚上,募捐文告发布到CFC。曾经短暂被CFC删除,2小时后重新登出。募捐文告表明遗体转运费是1万多加元,家属想运遗体但是没钱的状况。文告刻意回避 了事主是双公务员家庭,有良好的政府生命保险的事实;文告中着重提到:“救急不救穷”“杯水车薪”“没有旅游保险”“只有单位基本的生命保险”等几个关键 词。另外首份文告遇难者名为:“刘悦”,后期改为“刘越”及拼音“Yue Liu”,该是一个人。
2014/March/23 CFC发布消息:由CFC组织专业团队(专业团对指包括CFC、英文媒体发言人Andy、3名加拿大联邦税局的联系人电话和姓名、几份华人的社团等),全面推动募捐事件向全球媒体。“募捐委员会”依然未表明遇难着的公务员的身份。
2014/March/24 1pm 筹款委员已收到260笔总额达到$37,565 的捐款。单笔最高捐款额达到$1,000, 已经远超运回尸体的需要;即使是后来加上的丧葬费用, 也远远超过了。
2014/March/24 4pm Andy Wang提供的最新消息:CTV和CBC当天晚些时候将对刘越先生的遗孀卜凡雁进行专访。有网友指出这样上电视台不合适,CFC组织者反复回帖说上电视台 有助于扩大捐款范围进如主流社会。募捐者想“募捐金额无上限”的心态完全表露。
2014/March/24 CTV记者NataliePierosara 对刘越的遗孀卜凡雁进行了现场采访,并在《晚间6点新闻》里播出。
2014/March/24 网上第一次直接披露:遇难者夫妻皆为政府公务员,福利很好,暗示募捐者家庭环境良好,有骗捐的嫌疑。网上连接被帖出:卜凡雁的联邦政府雇员的工作部门、电话等网络连接(联邦政府的雇员,所有人办公电话是公开的)。
2014/March/25 11pm 因有骗捐嫌疑,质疑声鼎沸,CFC第一次封闭论坛主题禁止讨论。
2014/March/25 11pm 募捐金额在8万左右。CFC发布公告:不再进行主动募捐活动,不再进行主动媒体宣传,但是保留捐款账号和捐款页面,如果有朋友在生活上想继续支持刘越的家属,仍然可以通过这些途径捐款。
2014/March/26 CFC的Riven发布20%、20%、30%、30%的善款使用方向的声明。该声明引起更大的质疑声。
2014/March/27 CFC的Riven宣布暂停所有捐款账号和捐款页面、Paypal 停止接受新的捐款。
2014/March/27 卜凡燕发布感谢信改变款项用途(安慰刘越在北京的父母及给两名小孩的教育基金),声明如果捐款者如不认同可以退款的声明,退款以7日内提出为限。原话: “出于为了刘越遗体或骨灰运输丧事的办理,以及为帮助我们全家面对今后生活挑战,发起了募捐活动。 ”
2014/March/28 有捐款者发帖要求退款并阐明理由(不同意家属改变捐款用途),引起热烈讨论,数小时后帖子被CFC删除,CFC第二次关闭论坛。
2014/March/30 卜凡燕发布公开信:“如今在调整数日之后,我觉得身体条件允许我亲自前往古巴取回刘越骨灰。我感谢自告奋勇愿意陪同我到古巴迎取刘越骨灰的两位志愿者,也 感谢Andy帮忙联系加拿大领事馆、敦促古巴的丧葬代理公司尽快进行遗体火化,并为我们争取可以去古巴迎接骨灰的机会”。被加拿大驻古巴领事馆告知:家属 到火化现场与遗体告别的要求被拒绝。
2014/March/31 热烈讨论:钱够了,未啥遗体不运了?CFC第三次关闭论坛。
2014/April/08 刘越治丧委员会发布:刘越遗孀卜凡雁女士将在两位志愿者的陪同下,于四月八日飞往古巴首都哈瓦那将刘越先生的骨灰亲自迎回加拿大安葬。
2014/April/12 刘越先生追思会。
2014/April/13 追思会后,CFC上逐步恢复讨论,但大家发言谨慎,怕被删贴。
2014/April/21 卜凡雁发布感谢信,刘越善款处理小组成立,公布善款处理草案(第二稿)。
2014/April/22 CFC宣布募捐收入“$104050”、 善款交由善款处理小组处理,刘越募捐委员会解散,并发通知禁止一切关于捐款的讨论,直到善款处理完毕。 2014/May 2 有人报警并将报警过程在OCN 网上公开.
2014/May 5, CFC 发布薛金生代表 Chinese Community Association of Ottawa 英文公告. 公告称捐款人将收到邮件选择捐款处理方法. (1) 转捐慈善但不给退税凭证 (经证实此信息可能不属实); (2) 退款给捐款人; (3) 留给刘越遗孀自行处理.
2014/May 6-7 捐款人陆续收到邮件. 由于邮件内容与公告有悖, 论坛上再次质疑声起, 高达近1000个帖子. 该帖被CFC删除.
a)The intended beneficiary’s financial situation does not matchinformation provided by the fundraising committee in its public appeal fordonations, i.e., the intended beneficiary’s financial situation does notjustify the need for A public donation campaign. In order to achieve what thefundraisers INTENDED to achieve (i.e., scamming a large sum of money out of thepublic who don’t know the truth), the fundraisers spoon-fed thepublic with fabricated false/misleading financial information.
b) Before the family appeared on national television and print media to appealfor donations, funds raised already far exceeded what was needed forrepatriating the body and funeral-related costs, i.e., false/misleadingfinancial information was INTENTIONALLY given to the general public nation-wideand world-wide.
c) After the campaign was announced by the fundraisers and CFC, paypal and bankaccounts were still open and continued to receive donations.
d) While the donation drive was done nationally, fundraising-stop announcementwas posted only in Chinese on CFC.
e) After a large sum of money was raised, the fundraisers arbitrarily changedthe donation allocation and usage as purported in the call for donations, “ALLmoney raised would be strictly used to repatriate the body and coveredfuneral-related expenses”. The fundraisers announced a fund allocation andusage decision: 20% for body repatriation and funeral-related expenses, 20% tosupport Mr. Liu Yue's parents, 30% for the two children each to establish aneducational fund.
f) After a large sum of donation was collected, the dead body was cremated inCuba instead of being repatriated to Ottawa. The family did not even sayfarewell at the crematorium, the excuse given being that the family wasinformed by the Canadian Consulate that the family’s request for paying lastrespect at cremation was declined, without telling who declined that request,which was later proven to be a lie.
g) CFC biasedly deleted posts, such as those that questioned the fundraisinginitiative, the non-disclosure of truthful financial information. On the otherhand, abusive posts that attacked questioners, often in languages full ofvicious personal attacks and slander, are not deleted.
h) CFC never provided clarification or confirmation of information norresponded to questioning but repeatedly deleted posts, banned ID, IP and shutdown discussions/debates against the will of the overwhelming majority ofposters.
i) Some of the fundraising organizers are civil servants who may have used worktime and office facility for private purposes, and likely in violation ofpublic servants’ ethics and values.
2014/March/19: Liu Yue drowned while playing in the ocean. His son was saved byWoody (Robert Wudkevich) from BC. Woody provided email address to widow.
2014/March/20: The widow and children returned to Ottawa.
2014/March/22: In the evening, fundraising solicitation letter was posted onCFC. It was deleted but reposted two hours later. The letter indicated thatover $10,000 was needed to repatriate the body. The family wanted to bring homethe deceased but had no money to do so. The letter deliberately omitted thefact that both the victim and his widow were civil servants with very goodgovernment-sponsored life insurances.
The letter purported that:
(a) the Chinese people “aid those in crises but not in poverty”;the work-provided basic insurance amounted to “a drop in the bucket”;
(b) the couple had no travel/mortgage/life insurance; and
(c) used several other key words to exaggerate the financialdifficulties they were under. Also known as the first proclamation of thevictim: "Liu Yue (“刘悦" ), was later corrected to "Liu Yue"(“刘越”) and Pinyin "Yue Liu", which presumably referred to the sameperson.
2014/March/23: CFC published news: CFC had organized a professional team(including CFC, English media spokesman Andy, 3 employees of CRA with phone andnames, and several Chinese associations, etc.), to launch and promotefund-raising events on global media. The "Fundraising committee"still did not mention the fact that the victim and his widow were publicservants.
2014/March/24: 1pm: According to CFC updates, the fundraising committee hadreceived 260 donations totalling $37,565. Highest single donation was $1,000.The total amount far exceeded what was purported to be needed to repatriate thedeceased body and cover funeral expenses, which were actually added to the callfor donations later.
2014/March/24 4pm: Andy Wang provided the latest news: CTV and CBCwere to interview Mr. Liu’s widow later in the day. Some online forumparticipants challenged the appropriateness of the TV interview. CFC organizersreplied repeatedly that the TV stations would strengthen the reach of donationappeal in the mainstream society, completely revealing the mentality of thefundraisers who INTENDED to raised “donations without limits”.
2014/March/24: CTV Reporter Natalie Pierosara interviewed the widow Andy Wang.The Interview was aired on "6 o'clock news" and quoted Wang as sayingthat “$20,000 had been raised within 24 hours.” The family also told thereporter that they did not who Woody was and where he was from.
2014/March/24: First direct online exposure: The victim and his widow werecivil servants with good benefits. The poster hinted at good family financialconditions and that the fundraiser was suspected to be a scam. The post wasfollowed by posts of the widow’ exact place of work, work phone and emailaddress (as these were public information).
2014/March/25 11pm: Due to suspected scam, the forum was boiling with voices ofdoubt. CFC for the first time shut down discussions/debates on thetopic.
2014/March/25 11pm: Funds raised reached about $80,000. CFC announcement:no-longer active fund-raising activities, no more active pursuit of media, butkept donations account and donations page open; “if you have friends who wantto help Liu Yue’s family, they can continue to donate through these channels.”
2014/March/26: CFC released the now-infamous 20/20/ 30/30 formulafor donation allocation and usage. The statement caused a greater wave ofcriticism.
2014/March/27: CFC announced the suspension of all contributions and donationspage account, but the Paypal account was kept open to accept new donations.
The widow released a thank-you letter which changed the use of proceeds (toinclude funds as consolation to Liu Yue’s parents in in Beijing and twochildren’s educational funds). The statement also indicated that “those whodonated but did not intend to donate” could withdraw their donation in 7 days.The note was posted in Chinese and on CFC only.
2014/March/28: Donors posted a refund request and soughtexplanation/clarification because they did not agree with how the family hadchanged their plans on the use of the funds raised. Heated discussions/debatesfollowed. Many postings were deleted by CFC. A second round of shut-down ofdiscussions by CFC.
2014/March/30: Fanyan Bu issued an open letter: “after several days ofadjustment, I now feel my physical condition would allow me to travel to Cubato bring home Liu Yue’s ashes. I thank the two volunteers who will betravelling with me to Cuba to bring home Liu Yue’s ashes. I also thank Andy forliaising with the Canadian consulate to urge the Cuba funeral agency to crematethe body expediently and to strive for an opportunity for us to travel to Cubato bring home the ashes.” The letter indicated that the Canadian Consulate hadinformed the family that their request to pay last respect to the victim onsite of cremation was rejected.
2014/March/31: Heated discussions on CFC: the questioning theme was around abasic question, “since this much funds have been raised, why not bring the bodyhome? CFC decided to completely shut down discussions for the thirdtime.
2014/April/3: Ottawa community s headlined Liu Yue’s death. Andy Wang wasquoted as saying $30,000 was needed to bring the body home and only $20,000 wasraised. Wang was also quoted as saying that Woody was unidentifiedand that the family was still looking for him.
2014/April/7: Liu Yue Funeral Organizing Committee announced: Liu Yue’s widowFanyan Bu, accompanied by two volunteers, was to travel to Havana, Cuba onApril 8 to bring Liu Yue’s ashes home for the funeral. First and only confirmationthat Liu Yue worked at CRA.
2014/April/12: Mr. Liu Yue’s memorial service.
2014/April/13: After the memorial service, discussions resumed on CFC, butpeople spoke cautiously, being afraid that postings would be deleted and ID’sbanned.
2014/April/21: the widow released a letter thank-you letter, a donationmanagement team was announced to have been established which issued a draftdonation management processing.
2014/April/22: CFC announced the donation totalling "$ 104,050" washanded to the “donation management team”. The Liu Yue fundraising committee wasannounced to be dissolved. Any discussions related to the donation campaignwere banned indefinitely.
2014/May/02: The FraudUnit of the Ottawa Police Force established a case to investigate the donationcampaign. The case number is 2014-109126; The phone number to report asuspicion is 1-613-230-6211.
2014/May/05: Riven of CFC announced the Final Solution to the Yue LiuDonation Campaign proposed by the Chinese Community Association of Ottawa(English only, no Chinese version).