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[蒙城新闻] 主流媒体整版报道本网为留学生维权而遭关闭死亡威胁事

发表于 2017-2-15 23:58:32 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
加拿大白人主流媒体魁北克省最大的英文周报- P7 A6 L7 R4 s2 S* R% q2 w4 c
4 I6 e" X$ T" J( O+ ?
; n- U9 U8 K8 Y
用整版的篇幅报道本网www.MontrealChinese.com为留学生维权而遭关闭死亡威胁事件!---用良心与生命打造诚信媒体!9 S) F' N7 @2 J" }- g
) c; b) C- ]' R" |! h& Y# x& f& M
' |  a4 ?' L: W5 J) Mhttp://www.thesuburban.com/eedition/page-a/page_e580bb51-1ffd-5f86-9f69-8ea88b6be778.html" l% V9 ^8 v% v5 w. |0 B0 a

! N& \8 S1 Y3 q( d2 W7 {1 h4 T% ~" Phttp://www.thesuburban.com/news/west_island_news/lbpsb-demanded-web-site-delete-chinese-students-complaints/article_746722e3-04b9-5eb6-9869-c881fbeb2a3e.html7 B7 ?! B. d' W( r

9 C) L  O% a/ i; i
; i2 \+ t7 h/ Y本贴尾部有白人主流媒体英文新闻稿的汉语翻译
& \8 W% ?, j8 q# c! H2 m# m, T, u& ?
本网因最早报道 CINDY ZHANG/YAO 以不用英语不用法语不用考试不用面试直接转移民为名欺骗中国留学生事件并于2015年就发出网站官方留学预警,而遭到CINDY ZHANG/YAO 多封律师信,恐吓电话,死亡威胁,黑社会及网络黑客不间断袭击,被迫在2016年11月到12月全面关闭近两个月的事件被加拿大白人媒体报道!
3 d/ f* O( D. P0 L* D# F' j
: J6 Y' B* ]1 A; U) W& P" Y5 {

" |6 t( p9 c. v6 @0 \+ h
2 d  @2 ]8 I  E' i! ~# H
( n# S$ N, X  D% @
8 P1 }7 B/ F$ H  ^6 X: ^
事件发生后,在本网技术团队的刻苦努力下,利用圣诞节新年假期,经昼夜奋战,终于在1月初,部分恢复运转,并且再次成功流畅直播央视春晚,这一次恢复不是简单的重复,而是浴火重生,经努力本网已经安全放到云服务器。尽管黑客不停变换招数袭击, 本网仍然固若金汤。 另外,本网手机APP 也在紧锣密鼓的开发,相信 不久的将来,以包含绝大多数单位地址的掌上黄页为卖点的手机APP对接你的无人驾驶汽车,让你体验现代化科技的威力,在此农历正月向无数个以电话,邮件,微信等方式 对本网关闭事件表示关注的网友表示感谢!!!祝大家鸡年吉祥!!!家庭和睦,身体健康!!!
' x: h) n4 G7 o6 h
* I2 X0 m5 }0 e; H$ j$ v8 D; g
3 \5 i( P5 h( n: t* |# J$ b7 e
无论骗子如何恐吓,既然注册了 www.MontrealChinese.com 这个网名,就要为蒙特利尔的全体华人 华侨 留学生讲话,而且要讲真话,讲实话!!!!。
# f) w4 A0 r' v8 L

* ?. I/ ^) H' w- ?8 g2 c" s心底无私天地宽, 如果有一天我果真如恐吓电话所言倒在骗子的枪口下,引用血染的风采一句歌词。请不要悲伤!改变华人不诚信行为是对我九泉之下最好的欣慰。,本网管理团体 无私即无畏,以不怕死的精神把骗子告上法庭,与加拿大省级警察法起草委员会主席所率领的律师团体远程对抗10多个小时,把骗子重金聘用的现役警察绳之以法,把骗子告上法庭,让吹牛者纳税,打造华人诚信特区!& C5 y, o$ H$ @0 y; O" }

% T! M1 y4 Y& {+ m  z  n在中华民族之最QUEDE的时刻,紧急呼吁广大被骗同胞,拿起法律武器,起诉骗子!!!!起诉CINDY ZHANG 起诉 CINDY YAO 走上街头合法游行 抗议CINDY ZHANG 抗议CINDY YAO!!!把骗子的暴行公之于网络,CINDY ZHANG过街 人人喊打!
* H4 ~- R. S* a
0 h/ b$ J% U' d. g7 o6 X状告蒙特利尔皮尔逊20天移民加拿大惊动大使馆
+ K2 Q+ I7 A- X5 m# r$ Y! Rhttp://www.montrealchinese.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=29286&fromuid=24 U$ u, r4 }' y* s, f8 \. x
(出处: www.MontrealChinese.com蒙特利尔华人网 蒙城华人网 蒙特利尔留学生论坛 蒙特利尔中文网 蒙城中文网)% y4 @, O8 v2 I6 Z' ^! Q; L
& m' b' K: Y/ X+ [) Z& Y6 W
: P% x( o0 e0 \& u( D8 _; P
并且为本网前任管理团体 误登 X东方 变身的 XX洋留学移民广告 郑重道歉!!!! q5 B% N6 \2 L" ^& v, u9 D, X7 L
宁可赔钱,也不给骗子做广告。如果发现本网骗人广告请及时与本网管理团体联系,方式见首页左下, e" K+ |3 Z/ E' C

% D7 V* t/ O2 p: h0 w) [9 |请点击下面链接进入白人主流媒体英文报道
4 H5 e7 p( A$ Q. @
* F5 e6 C; Z9 M+ m9 \http://www.thesuburban.com/news/west_island_news/lbpsb-demanded-web-site-delete-chinese-students-complaints/article_746722e3-04b9-5eb6-9869-c881fbeb2a3e.html8 N' B$ s+ a+ W' {% F

; w. [2 {; F( n' w: r% ]$ Z1 G2 O2 _$ B; m( g0 d# V1 l8 p
下面是白人主流媒体英文新闻稿的汉语翻译2 U( t5 A( k! T2 I2 o7 I  b

( u$ s7 G! k% pLBPSB要求网站删除中国学生的投诉
3 w4 b: e: O4 ]! [; [/ m作者:Robert Frank2 y" b4 y2 b5 A* T; G

1 M' e! P  d6 W# k  y( q3 S6 J6 L; N
. _8 C* v5 T6 F5 |

# c+ }4 J# b8 {2 ]$ SDec 21,2016 0- O* }4 h) ^; p/ y
LBPSB要求网站删除中国学生的投诉  |$ S* h1 ~1 Z: G
罗伯特·弗兰克+ n0 q4 [, l; d# W; i3 X; w. U- u
# z  U* Q5 s8 i+ D  C0 \/ OLBPSB要求网站删除中国学生的投诉
5 N( ^4 g4 A' W- J9 y' Y9 S照片罗伯特·弗兰克
# n: T3 W! c# q4 |精神动画师Mary Rutherford(站立),代表LBPSB专业工作人员工会成员失望的别有用心,LBPSB主席Suanne Stein Day(坐在,左边)归因于上个月对那些违反Stein Day伦理道德的人的关注。
/ A$ ^* ?- D6 X! s0 sLBPSB要求网站删除中国学生的投诉
# a/ `6 Q6 l! [4 `: e9 {照片罗伯特·弗兰克$ h- n0 a, f  H
Chris Eustace(常设)要求重申LBPSB对其主席的支持的NoëlBurke副主席(座位,左)动议在12月19日理事会会议上获得一致通过后,经由专员Joshua Arless修改认可所有学校董事会利益相关者。# l" d/ K' g' _* ?" e6 Q
在Lester B. Pearson学校董事会(LBPSB)学习的少年中国学生开始在montrealchina.com上以中文发表他们的不满,LBPSB律师要求网站删除他们的所有意见。
2 P( A9 g  ]7 y+ B5 U; R( K3 M" E: d" }0 Q1 r
$ H  ]+ k9 v" s9 S) n. J( G2 k. C, ]5 h% V$ O, R! E
, D7 c& |' K3 ~# n  R" }# u, d
( L2 e2 F/ y, ~- I. e据一位以匿名条件为由于害怕对中国学生遭到报复而发言的来源人,也向中国家长发送了关于蒙特利尔中国网的律师信的副本。
5 h5 d0 j, z7 r  H) m' V: m* B
0 o: E. N4 U& y9 U2 f1 m/ \5 w4 e9 i0 @当地中文网站随后完全关闭。
# v$ q6 F/ Y8 I6 _* j+ c- e" D& U% y1 R/ Q- }3 _
来源告诉郊区,一些LBPSB国际学生住在无窗的地下室宿舍;年轻人抱怨说,他们所服务的一些食物已过了它的到期日期;年轻女性的隐私权不足;有些学生在18岁后被迫留在LBPSB宿舍,而不是在别处寻找住处。学生也开始收到12月的书面要求付款,即使他们的合同只指定那些付款到期到12月31日。; q4 o6 \6 v9 u) |# B' b
% |1 {$ b# @/ U( z" G- ^6 X! k
LBPSB主席Suanne Stein Day在LBPSB 12月19日的理事会会议上证实,它已经断绝了与Naveen Kolan的关系。 2014年,学校董事会与他的公司Edu-Edge签署了50:50的协议,为潜在的外国学生招聘和销售LBPSB课程。
) ?6 z. s' k8 m8 g) n
) Q/ p8 A# p9 D* o# c, K学生在他们的报告卡上获得法语成绩后,也在去年投诉,即使他们没有在任何时候被提供法语课。
: Q% }. f2 j% {& t8 Q( ?
; m, F# l! Y' m+ y8 L0 G! P$ o) t# D3 L
/ ?: p0 H, f. l5 d- v( h, B- g( b9 Q/ v* ^
斯坦因在星期一的理事会会议之前告诉记者,她不知道这封信是发给了中国学生的父母。$ D( L" g8 a2 g7 Q5 y+ b$ [! f/ _

; O) m8 _) l- u3 d1 y& i$ Z1 k' m; W" c她的长期对手克里斯·尤斯塔斯在10月26日,就在LBPSB助理总干事Steve Balleine试图从LBPSB房地拆除记者之前,向记者展示了一封类似的律师信。* U* u4 P$ F. `3 }9 E; u" R  c8 A% D
+ J( I( J4 Q4 V) }* c5 g) _
精神动画师代表LBPSB职业工会会员的Mary Rutherford在LBPSB委员会会议上表示,她在阅读“郊区”时感到失望,她在上个月对Stein Day的违反道德行为的承认表示担忧斯坦因日后来将别有用心的动机。& ~; S. G/ T/ l( }" O* ~3 p; ]9 p
. _: ?4 H+ m- h
# ^' z; G# {5 V, E
# B* s7 S+ L/ F" Y

2 W- h. z8 ?- _$ A) w/ T& C9 ]$ \. J5 v6 h! `. K
LBPSB demanded web site delete Chinese students’ complaints5 L: k& h+ Y8 x% f! g. t- Y
By Robert Frank
4 p$ e! ^* d1 |4 X3 @* S! PThe Suburban
/ i1 H& T1 t9 E' z( B5 `* }( T) G  ]& R* L& H
Dec 21, 2016  0
4 I' q* O  t/ U/ Z0 A6 X2 P8 \LBPSB demanded web site delete Chinese students’ complaints; W& w9 v0 C) r$ `- Z  f5 d
Robert Frank
% w# X3 E- z" x0 E3 RLBPSB lawyers termed the students’ complaints, which they translated from Chinese, “false” and “defamatory”.5 X$ d8 t# m/ F1 b8 \) p- o1 g
LBPSB demanded web site delete Chinese students’ complaints
- V$ L; v: }/ v8 ~Photo Robert Frank
  g! ~6 j* p' \/ t4 kSpiritual animator Mary Rutherford (standing), who represents LBPSB professional staff union members disappointed by ulterior motives that LBPSB chair Suanne Stein Day (seated, far left) ascribed to those who had last month voiced concerns about secrecy surrounding Stein Day ethics violations.# I/ X- f1 N8 z' d7 z" r1 r3 D
LBPSB demanded web site delete Chinese students’ complaints
- u4 n) o* I' ~: N  JPhoto Robert Frank5 m1 O5 [' ^3 }7 a; j9 V
Vice-chair Noël Burke's (seated, left) motion at Chris Eustace's (standing) request to reiterate LBPSB's support for its principals passed unanimously at Dec. 19 council meeting, following an amendment by Commissioner Joshua Arless to recognize all school board stakeholders.7 l8 L9 a4 {3 l8 E
After teenage Chinese students studying at Lester B. Pearson School Board (LBPSB) began to post their grievances in Chinese on montrealchina.com, LBPSB attorneys demanded that the web site remove all their comments.
- T4 j% W3 O) Z- o) Z8 V# _7 U$ y2 R( z& c' k
A letter to Qiang Zhang, April 15, 2015, called the Chinese students’ statements “defamatory” and claimed that they were “false, injure gravely the reputation of our clients and cause financial losses to the school board.” In addition to the alleged injury to the school board, the letter also claimed that the students had also defamed LBPSB international liaison officer Cindy Zhang.( v1 e! L. s/ p: _4 S8 C, ?$ Z& \

( T6 T( m4 R8 X- i. ZThe lawyers alleged that montrealchina.com had violated “general civil liability” and suggested that it had also contravened Section 22 of Quebec’s Act to establish a legal framework for information technology.6 R" t6 O6 e4 {1 o7 C
9 ~. p1 _3 o3 n  G
According to a source who spoke on condition of anonymity out of fear of reprisal against the Chinese students, copies of the lawyers’ letter to montrealchina.com were also sent to parents in China.
7 R& G9 r" t2 m, |0 C8 `2 u+ |" f
The local Chinese web site subsequently shut down completely.- v% @& l8 E) z# E6 j

- k( a- b+ E7 _; d" K: qThe source told The Suburban that some LBPSB international students were housed in windowless basement dormitories; that the youth had complained that some of the food that they were served was past its expiry date; that there was insufficient privacy for young females; and that some students were pressured to remain in LBPSB dormitories after they turned 18, rather than seek accommodation elsewhere. Students also began to receive written demands for payment in December, even though their contract only specified that those payments were not due until Dec. 31.$ k% x7 A' X" F+ h, l, l# G
4 u0 M" A) x2 T
LBPSB chair Suanne Stein Day confirmed during LBPSB’s Dec. 19 council meeting that it had severed its ties with Naveen Kolan. In 2014, the school board signed a 50:50 agreement with his firm Edu-Edge to recruit and market LBPSB courses to prospective foreign students.
# x0 c: I+ g+ i1 g* T% N
' D# N% k4 G! R2 mStudents also complained last year after they received grades for French on their report cards, even though they had not been offered a French class at any time." ^9 }* k1 }# Y* [: J0 q7 T  K

$ P. h3 ?( M7 r  C& w  }) X) N8 g+ @4 k/ x8 n+ K, z) Y
After the complaints brought the alleged lapse to the Quebec Education Ministry’s attention, LBPSB initiated French courses the subsequent year. That French course is far too advanced for first-time speakers who lack even basic French vocabulary, the source suggested.( U' M$ n5 v& o- Z  q
  ]5 e- j, {2 ]9 v3 s  I7 ~1 E
Stein Day told reporters prior to Monday’s council meeting that she was unaware that the letter had been sent to students’ parents in China.0 F0 h3 Q% l2 d, u: Z

" _& W1 Q' m/ ]/ V1 U* K1 }Her longtime opponent Chris Eustace showed reporters a similar lawyer’s letter, Oct. 26, just before LBPSB assistant director general Steve Balleine attempted to physically remove the reporters from LBPSB premises.8 B/ K& x1 G, m9 ]$ Z
) K0 V+ `* [' f1 [# Z: O
Spiritual animator Mary Rutherford, who represents LBPSB professional staff union members, stated during the LBPSB council meeting that she had been disappointed to learn while reading The Suburban that she was among the people who had voiced concerns at last month’s about Stein Day’s admission of ethics violations to whom Stein Day subsequently ascribed ulterior motives.
; J" v0 N9 S2 }
. O3 ?6 D7 [* _" s% [8 G& }7 f  C& Lfrank@thesuburban.com
( a/ S8 w0 q- \* O2 Q6 ?
& w8 ~* k- ?5 y. m  I/ w: A4 V" J! P; B0 Y( ?

+ Z. ]' N) k2 O0 ~" r0 o' N
, e: d: L" v& K, D5 T* a/ q" U1 s' _+ G. r. V

$ V% y* |7 n- T" }% V5 ?4 L- u3 b+ l; {: b7 ]- R' n9 h

. J9 c, h4 K; D" j9 g" u0 ]1 A9 n# y1 [  `4 A8 f. v; t

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