<span style="font-size:large;word-wrap: break-word; outline: none; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: "Microsoft yahei", 微软雅黑, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, 宋体; white-space: normal;"><span style="font-family:";word-wrap: break-word; outline: none;">加拿大反诈骗中心
<span style="font-family:";word-wrap: break-word; outline: none;">加拿大反对网络诈骗委员会<br style="word-wrap: break-word; outline: none; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: "Microsoft yahei", 微软雅黑, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, 宋体; font-size: 14px; white-space: normal;" /><br style="word-wrap: break-word; outline: none; color: rgb(68, 68, 68); font-family: "Microsoft yahei", 微软雅黑, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, 宋体; font-size: 14px; white-space: normal;" /><span style="color:#0000ff;word-wrap: break-word; outline: none; font-family: "Microsoft yahei", 微软雅黑, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif, 宋体; font-size: 14px; white-space: normal;"><span style="font-family:";word-wrap: break-word; outline: none;">https://www.services.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/?ipeReferer=CAFCFRS
加拿大生活不可不知的十种非处方药 特别珍藏
He feels headache, nausea and vomiting. (他觉得头痛、恶心和想吐。)
He is under the weather. (他不舒服,生病了。)
He began to feel unusually tired. (他感到反常的疲倦。)
He feels light-headed. (他觉得头晕。)
She has been shut-in for a few days. (她生病在家几天了。)
Her head is pounding. (她头痛。)
His symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. (他的症状包括没有食欲、体重减轻、非常疲倦、发烧和发冷。)
He feels exhausted or fatigued most of the time. (他大部份时间都觉得非常疲倦。)
He has been lacking in energy for some time. (他感到虚弱有段时间了。)
He feels drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. (他觉得昏昏欲睡,头晕目眩和想吐。)
He feels as though everything around him is spinning. (他感到周围的东西都在打转。)
He has noticed some loss of hearing. (他发觉听力差些。)
She has some pains and itching around her eyes. (她眼睛四周又痛又痒。)
He has been coughing up rusty or greenish-yellow phlegm. (他咳嗽带有绿黄色的痰。)
His eyes feel itchy and he has been sneezing. (他眼睛发痒,而且一直在打喷嚏。)
He has a fever, aching muscles and hacking cough. (他有发烧,筋骨酸痛和常常咳嗽。) (hacking = constant)
He coughed with sputum and feeling of malaise. (他咳嗽有浓痰,而且觉得很虚弱。) (malaise = debility)
He gets a cold with a deep hacking cough. (他伤风咳嗽。)
He has a headache, aching bones and joints. (他头痛,骨头、关节也痛。)
He has a persistent cough. (他不停地在咳。) 或
He has bouts of uncontrollable coughing. (他一阵阵的咳嗽,难以控制。)
He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes. (他声音嘶哑,有时失声。)
He has a sore throat and a stuffy nose. (他嗓子疼痛而且鼻子不通。)
His breathing is harsh and wheezy. (他呼吸时,有气喘似的呼哧呼哧作响。)
He has a stabbing pain that comes on suddenly in one or both temples. (有时突然间太阳穴刺痛。)
He has a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat. (他流鼻水,打喷嚏和喉咙沙哑。)
She has noticed one lump in her breast. (她发觉乳房有个肿块。)
There is a hard, swollen lump on her right breast. (她右乳房有肿块。)
Her left breast is painful and swollen. (她左乳房疼痛且肿大。)
She has heavy bleeding with her periods. (她月经来的很多。)
Her vaginal discharge is white or greenish-yellow and unpleasant smelling. (她阴道分泌物带白色或绿黄色,而且气味不好。)
She has noticed occasional spotting of blood between periods. (在月经来的前后,她有时也发觉有滴滴达达的流血。)
She has some bleeding after intercourse. (性交后有出血。)
She feels some vaginal itching. (她感到阴部发痒。)
She has painful periods and abnormal vaginal discharge. (她月经来时疼痛,而且阴道有不正常的分泌物。)
His both hands and feet ache all over. (他两手两脚都很酸痛。)
He has pain on the sole of his feet. (他脚底很痛。)
There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot. (我右脚底有个像肉疣般的硬块。)
His ankles look puffy and they pit when he presses them with his finger. (他的足踝好象肿了,用手按,就有小坑痕。) (pit = small dent form)(句里的 they 和 them 都是指 ankles)
The pain in his left foot is accompanied by redness and swelling. (左脚酸痛,并有红肿。)
The joints near his fingernails and knuckles look swollen. (指头和指节旁边的关节,似乎有肿大。)
He has numbness and tingling in his hands and fingers. (他的手和指头感到麻木和刺痛。)
His legs become painful following strenuous exercise. (激烈运动后,他的腿就痛。)
His knee is misshapen or unable to move. (他的膝盖有点畸形,也不能动。)
There are some swellings in his armpit. (他的腋窝肿大。)
He is troubled with painful muscles and joints. (他的筋骨和关节都痛。)
She is troubled by the pains in the back and shoulders. (她的后背和肩膀都痛。)
His knee has been bothering him for some time. (他的膝盖不舒服,已有一段时间了。)
He is sleeping poorly.(他睡不好)
He has difficulty in sleeping, inability to concentrate.(他不易入睡,也难集中精神。)
It is usually hard for her to fall asleep when she goes to bed at night.(她晚上就寝,很难入睡。)
He wakes during the night or early morning and finds it difficult to fall asleep again.(他晚间或清早醒来后,再也不能入睡。)
He has nightmares occasionally.(他有时做噩梦。)
英语词汇:医药门诊部out-patient dept.
验血blood test
血压blood pressure
花粉症hay fever
止咳糖浆cough syrup
安眠药sleeping potion
西洋参American ginseng
健康诊断 Gernral Check-up
Physical Examination
检查 Examination
入院 Admission to Hospotial
退院 Discharge from Hospital
症状 Symptom
营养 Nutrition
病例 Clinical History
诊断 Diagnosis
治疗 Treatment
预防 Prevention
呼吸 Respiration
便通 Bowel Movement
便 Stool
血液 Blood
脉搏 Pulse, Pulsation
尿 Urine
脉搏数 Pulse Rate
血型 Blood Type
血压 Blood Pressure
麻醉 Anesthesia
全身麻醉 General Anesthesia
静脉麻醉 Intravenous Anesthesia
脊椎麻醉 Spinal Anesthesia
局部麻醉 Local Anesthesia
手术 Operation
切除 Resectionlie
副作用 Side Effect
洗净 Irrigation
注射 Injection
X光 X-Ray
红外线 Ultra Red-Ray
慢性的 Chronic
急性的 Acute
体格 Build
亲戚 Relative
遗传 Heredity
免疫 Immunity
血清 Serum
流行性的 Epidemic
潜伏期 Incubation Period
滤过性病毒 Virus
消毒 Sterilization
抗生素 Antibiotic
脑波 E.E.G
洗肠 Enema
结核反映 Tuberculin Reaction
华氏 Fahrenheit
摄氏 Celsius, Centigrade
药品 Medicine
冰袋 Ice Bag
药品 Medicine (Drug)
绷带 Bandage
胶带 Adhesive Tape
剪刀 Scissors
体温计 Thermometer
药丸 Tablet, Pill
舌下锭 Sublingual Tablet
胶囊 Capsules
软膏 Ointment
眼药 Eye Medicine
止咳药 Cough Medicine
阿司匹林 Aspirin
止疼药 Pain Killer
药方 Prescription
发烧 Fever
高烧 High Fever
发冷 Chillsz
发汗 Sweats
盗汗 Night Sweats
倦怠 Tireness
失眠 Insomnia
肩头发硬 Stiffness in Shoulder
打喷嚏 Sneeze
打嗝 Hiccup
痒 Itch
腰疼 Low Back Pain
头疼 Headache
痛 Pain (Ache)
急性疼痛 Acute Pain
激痛 Severe Pain
钝痛 dull Pain
压痛 Pressing Pain
刺痛 Sharp Pain
戳痛 Piercing Pain
一跳一跳地痛 Throbbing Pain
针扎似的痛 Prickling Pain
烧痛 Burning Pain
裂痛 Tearing Pain
持续痛 Continuous Pain
不舒服 Uncomfortable
绞痛 Colic
放射痛 Rediating Pain
溃烂痛 Sore Pain
痉挛痛 Crampy Pain
顽痛 Persistent Pain
轻痛 Slight Pain
血尿 Bloody Urine
浓尿 Pyuria
粘液便 Mucous Stool
粘土样便 Clay-Colored Stool
验血 Blood Analysis
红血球 Red Cell
白血球 White Cell
呼吸数 Respiration Rate
呼气 Expiration
吸气 Inspiration
呼吸困难 Difficulty in Breathing
不规则脉搏 Irregular Pulse
慢脉 Bradycardia
快脉 Rapid Pulse
尿浑浊 Cloudy Urine
蛋白质 Albuminuria
糖尿 Glucosuria
瘦 thin, Skinny
肥 Fat
150种常用药物Top 150 most commonly prescribed drugs The table below lists the top 150 most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States in 2002, based on more than 3.05 billion prescriptions written. acetaminophen 扑热息痛,对乙酰氨基酚 Isosorbide Mononitrate 长效异乐定
Albuterol 沙丁胺醇 Lansoprazole 南索拉唑,兰索拉唑
alendronate 阿伦膦酸盐,二膦酸盐 latanoprost 拉坦前列素
allopurinol 别嘌呤醇 levofloxacin 左氧氟沙星
alprazolam 阿普唑仑 levonorgestrel 乙羟基二降孕甾烯炔酮
amitriptyline 阿米替林 levothyroxine 左旋甲状腺素
Amlodipine 氨氯地平,阿洛地平 lisinopril 赖诺普利,苯丁酸赖脯酸
Amoxicillin 阿莫西林,羟氨苄青霉素 lorazepam 劳拉西泮,氯羟去甲安定
amphetamine 安非他明,苯丙胺 losartan 氯沙坦
APAP N-乙酰对氨基酚,扑热息痛 meclizine 氯苯甲嗪,美克洛嗪
Atenolol 阿替洛尔,氨酰心安 Medroxyprogesterone 甲羟孕酮,安宫黄体酮
atomoxetine 阿托西汀 meloxicam 美洛昔康
atorvastatin 阿伐他汀 Metaxalone 美他沙酮,
Azithromycin 阿齐红霉素,舒美特 Metformin 二甲双胍,二甲双胍盐酸盐
benazepril 贝那普利 methylphenidate ,哌醋甲酯,利地林
betamethasone 倍他米松,培他米松 Methylprednisolone 甲基氢化泼尼松
brimonidine 溴莫尼定 metoprolol 甲氧乙心安,美多心安
budesonide 布地奈德 mirtazapine 米尔塔扎平(抗抑郁症)
Bupropion 丁氨苯丙酮 mometasone 莫米松
calcitonin 降血钙素 montelukast 孟鲁司特
candesartan 坎地沙坦 moxifloxacin 莫西沙星
carisoprodol 卡立普多,肌安宁 Mupirocin 莫匹罗星
Carvedilol 卡维地洛,卡维洛尔 naproxen 甲氧萘丙酸
Cefdinir 头孢地尼 niacin 烟酸,尼克酸
Cefprozil 头孢罗齐,赛夫罗秀 Nifedipine 硝苯地平,心痛定
celecoxib 塞来考昔 Nitrofurantoin 呋喃妥因,呋喃旦啶
cephalexin 头孢菌素IV,先锋霉素IV nitroglycerin 硝化甘油; 炸药
Cetirizine 西替立嗪[抗过敏药] Norethindrone 炔诺酮
Chlorpheniramine 扑尔敏,氯苯吡胺 norgestimate 诺孕酯,肟炔诺酯
Ciprofloxacin 环丙沙星,丙氟哌,全复康 norgestrel 炔诺孕酮
Citalopram 西酞普兰,西他罗仑, olanzapine 奥氮平,奥兰氮平
Clarithromycin 克拉仙霉素,甲基红霉素 olopatadine 奥洛他定
Clavulanate 克拉维酸钾,棒酸钾 Omeprazole 奥美拉唑,沃必唑
clonazepam 氯硝西泮,氯硝安定 oxybutynin 奥昔布宁(解痉药)
clonidine 氯压定,可乐宁 oxycodone 氧可酮
clopidogrel 氯吡格雷 pantoprazole 泮托拉唑<抗溃疡病药>
Clotrimazole 克霉唑,三苯甲咪唑 Paroxetine 氟苯哌苯醚,帕罗西丁
codeine 可待因,甲基吗啡 penicillin 盘尼西林
Conjugated Estrogens 结合型雌激素 Phenytoin 苯妥英
cyclobenzaprine 环苯扎珠 pimecrolimus 吡美莫司
Desogestrel 地索高诺酮,马福隆 pioglitazone 匹格列酮
Dexamethasone 地塞米松,的确当 potassium chloride 氯化钾
diazepam 安定 Pravastatin 帕伐他丁,哌伐它停
Digoxin 地高辛,异羟基洋地黄毒甙 prednisone 去氢可的松,强的松
diltiazem 地尔硫卓 promethazine 普鲁本近,异丙嗪
Divalproex 双丙戊酸钠 propoxyphene 达而丰,丙氧酚
donepezil 多奈哌齐 Propranolol 普萘洛尔,心得安,萘心安
Doxycycline 多西霉素,强力霉素 Pseudoephedrine 假麻黄碱,右旋麻黄碱
drospirenone 屈螺酮 quetiapine 喹硫平
Enalapril 依那普利,苯丁酯脯酸 Quinapril 喹那普利
escitalopram 依他普仑 rabeprazole 雷贝拉唑
esomeprazole 艾美拉唑 raloxifene 雷洛昔芬
estradiol 雌二醇; 强力求偶素 ramipril 雷米普利
ethinyl 乙炔基 ranitidine 甲胺呋硫
ethinyl estradiol 乙炔雌二醇,炔雌醇 risedronate 利塞膦酸盐,二膦酸盐
ezetimibe 依泽替米贝 Risperidone 利哌利酮,利哌酮
felodipine 非洛地平 rofecoxib 罗非考昔
fenofibrate 非诺贝特 rosiglitazone maleate 马来酸罗格列酮
fentanyl 芬太尼 salmeterol 沙美特罗
fexofenadine 非索非那定 Sertraline 舍曲林
finasteride 非那司提 sildenafil citrate 枸橼酸西地那非
fluconazole 氟康唑,大扶康 simvastatin 系HMG辅酶A还原酶抑制剂
Fluoxetine 百忧解,盐酸氟西汀 spironolactone 螺旋内酯固醇,安体舒通
Fluticasone 氟地松,氟替卡松 sumatriptan 舒马曲坦
fluticasone propionate 丙酸氟替卡松 tamsulosin 坦(索)洛新
Fluvastatin 氟伐地汀,氟瓦停 Temazepam 羟基安定,3-羟基安定
Folic Acid 叶酸,维生素B11 terazosin 特拉唑嗪<抗高血压药>
Fosinopril 磷诺普利,福辛普利 Timolol 噻吗洛尔,噻吗心安,青眼露
Furosemide 呋塞米,利尿灵 tobramycin 妥布拉霉素
gabapentin 加巴喷丁 tolterodine 托特罗定
Gemfibrozil 吉非贝齐,吉非洛齐 Topiramate 托吡酯
glimepiride 格列美脲 tramadol 曲蚂多,祛痛,反式胺苯环醇
glipizide 格列甲嗪 trazodone 曲唑酮,三唑酮
glyburide 格列本脲,优降糖, triamcinolone 氟羟泼尼松龙,氟羟强的松龙
HCTZ hydrochlorothiazide 双氢氯噻嗪,双氢克尿塞 Triamcinolone Acetonide 羟氢化泼尼松缩丙酮
Human Insulin 单组分人胰岛素注射液 triamterene 氨苯蝶啶,三氨蝶呤
hydrochlorothiazide 氢氯噻嗪,双氢克尿塞 valacyclovir 伐昔洛韦
Hydrocodone 二氢可待因酮,氢可酮 valdecoxib 伐地考昔
ibuprofen 布洛芬 valsartan 缬沙坦<抗高血压药>
insulin glargine 甘精胰岛素<降血糖药> venlafaxine 文拉法辛<抗抑郁药>
insulin lispro 赖脯胰岛素<降血糖药> Verapamil 维拉帕米,异搏定
Insulin NPH 低精蛋白锌胰岛素 Warfarin 华法林,苄酮香豆素钠
ipratropium 异丙托铵 Zolpidem 唑吡坦,佐尔吡啶
irbesartan 依贝沙坦