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[留学生活] 19岁女中国留学生驾驶员遭枪击案最全报道及思考

发表于 2016-1-19 22:57:58 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 beijing 于 2016-1-19 22:59 编辑


该枪击案发生于亚利桑那州当地时间1.17下午2:40左右,当时19岁的中国交换学生yue jiang(岳江?音译)及其男友驾驶一辆白色奔驰车内停在一个有“停”交通灯的十字路口等待通过,此时32岁美国女子Holly Davis由后追尾撞到jiang的奔驰车,jiang的21岁男友当即下车检查车子后部被撞情况,此时他看到Davis离开驾驶位持枪逼近,jiang男友赶紧返回车内,Davis向jiang所在的驾驶位连开数枪,jiang在严重受伤后试图做出U型转弯逃离现场,与对面乘坐5人的来车相撞(一对夫妻,三个孩子,其中妇女怀孕),五人并未严重受伤。

Keep your head down and make sure always put your tail between your legs.
Good luck.

本文匆匆写就,并未修饰检查,想挑我文笔和语法的朋友save your breath.

In a fatal incidence of road rage, an American woman murdered a female Chinese university student at an intersection in Arizona on Saturday.

WALB News reports that the 32-year-old perpetrator Holly Davis was arrested after shooting 19-year-old Jiang Yue following a collision at the intersection of Broadway and McClintock Drive. According to police, at 2:40 p.m. Davis rear-ended Jiang""""s Mercedes at a stoplight, at which point Jiang""""s 21-year-old male passenger got out to survey the damage; however, seeing Davis approaching with a gun, the man retreated back inside the vehicle.

Davis fired multiple shots into the Jiang""""s car through the driver""""s window.

Seriously wounded, Jiang attempted to flee via a U-turn -- only to collide with another vehicle carrying five passengers, none of whom suffered major injuries.

Jiang, however, died later in hospital.

Having fled south down McClintock, Davis was later tracked down via her Volkswagen Passat""""s number plate, and apprehended at a Mesa apartment.

According to Lieutenant Michael Pooley of the Tempe police on Sunday, Davis was booked on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated assault with deadly weapon, possession of weapon by prohibited person and disorderly conduct with firearm. Previously, Davis had been sentenced to 3 years for resisting a lawful stop in Missouri.

Court paperwork suggests addiction and mental illness on the part of the defendant, attesting that Davis "expressed a desire to be shot by law enforcement." Meanwhile, Davis""""s boyfriend confessed to being intoxicated together earlier that day, Davis herself admitted using Oxycodone, though it is unclear whether she was impaired during the attack. A note was found in the apartment that was purportedly "consistent with defendant planning to engage in violence."

Jiang is believed to have been a finance undergraduate from Arizona State University""""s WP Carey School of Business. There are currently more than 300,000 Chinese students studying at American colleges and universities.

Watch an Arizona news report on the tragic incident here:


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 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-19 22:58:59 | 只看该作者
根据WBC电视台报道,该女在警察敲门逮捕过程中拒不承认曾经开枪射击,但是警察在line up中由多名目击者人认出了Davis为枪击嫌犯。Davis并未流露出丝毫的悔意。
目前Davis 被控以一级谋杀也就是量刑最重的预谋杀人以及面临其他多项控罪,单一级谋杀一项控罪就有可能判处Davis死刑,亚利桑那州是有死刑的。可见美国的司法还是相对公正的,美国人也并没有因为死者是个外国人而包庇自己的国民,所以,那些上窜下跳的五毛小丑和被人当枪使的无知的愤青可以少安毋躁,耐心等待审判结果。

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