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[蒙城新闻] 暴雪影响 蒙特利尔很多学校关闭

发表于 2013-3-19 11:46:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
暴雪影响 蒙特利尔很多学校关闭    2013-3-19 09:22 * `6 A7 D4 H- \) |

; y' F* n8 T- a3 Z; ~
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星期二暴风雪席卷魁北克省,蒙特利尔地区和魁北克省西南部预计将有15厘米的降雪,在蒙特利尔郊区山地的降雪量将达到20到25厘米。4 q, d( n3 V, @8 L, Z* z& i& L. H

9 `6 n2 V: T9 l6 k. U暴风雪造成魁北克省多间中小学校星期二关闭。
( F" M$ P$ O0 T- `% @" n- x3 K1 G' o! O3 y& n
蒙特利尔市星期二早上7点前出动了1000辆扫雪车,清扫目前2.5厘米的积雪。自去年入冬以来,蒙特利尔地区降雪量已经达到243厘米,成为过去30年来降雪量最多的一个冬天。% _  Q, c" R+ x4 x: p3 H* t
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明天将是春分,今天是北半球冬季的最后一天。1 Y- l5 H4 w2 L# E) W! l
8 g1 M7 Q) C& I! l# n9 A2 E

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  • Commission scolaire du Val-des-Cerfs
  • Lester B. Pearson School Board: All Schools Closed
  • Eastern Townships School Board: All Schools And Centres are Closed to Students and Staff
  • New Frontiers School Board: All Schools, Adult Centres, and Administrative Offices are Closed. Off-Territory Schools serviced by New Frontiers will not have transportation.
  • Commission Scolaire Des Sommets: All Schools, Professional Centres, and Adult Education Centres are Closed to Students but Staff must report to work
  • Sir Wilfrid Laurier School Board: Elementary School Closures: Arundel, Grenville, Laurentia, Laurentian, Morin Heights, Mountainview, Rawdon, Joliette, Ste-Adele And Ste-Agathe Academy Are Closed.
  • High School Closures: Laurentian Regional And Joliette High Schools Are Closed.
  • Riverside School Board: All Schools And Centres Are Closed Today.
  • Commission Scolaire Des Grandes-Seigneurie" c, \6 x9 W2 _- G2 G( ?

Individual schools

  • Yeshiva Gedola school in Outremont dismissal at 3 p.m.
  • Hebrew Foundation school in DDO
  • Ecole Montessori International Montreal Inc - daycare and school are closed
  • Centennial Academy and Centennial College
  • Ecole Bilingue de Montreal Ouest
  • Ratihente high school in Kanesatake
  • Kells Academy in NDG- both campuses closed
  • Akiva school in Westmount
  • Kuper Academy in Kirkland
  • Kateri School
  • Faith Christian Academy in Vaudreuil
  • Beth Jacob School in Outremont 3 pm dismissal today
  • Queen of Angels academy
  • St. George's School of Montreal: Elementary school and high school campuses
  • CDC Lachute
  • Emmanuel Christian School and its Daycare
  • Peter Hall School: Both Campuses Closed
  • Summit School In Saint-Laurent
  • Ecole Internationale Primaire De Greenfield Park
  • Kahnawake Survival School
  • Trafalgar School For Girls
  • Montreal Oral School For The Deaf
  • Miss Edgar's And Miss Cramp's School
  • The Study In Westmount
  • Selwyn House School
  • Vanguard School: All Three Campuses are closed
  • Lower Canada College
  • Sacred Heart School Of Montreal
  • Priory School
  • Ecole Al-Houda
    0 X6 ~# q) s% \: E3 N& {

Daycares and Adult centres

  • The Little Red Playhouse/Coco's Place Preschool in Montreal West
  • Garderie Le Lapin Bleu
  • CPE Shalom in Ville St Laurent : opened but closing at 3 p.m.
  • Abili-T ABA programme
  • CPE Dorval
  • CPE de Mon Coeur at the YWCA
  • CPE DU CAMPUS, in Ste. Anne de Bellevue
  • CPE of Hebrew Foundation in DDO
  • Kitty`s Nest daycare in Dorval
  • CPE NDG play and care centre
  • The West Island Daycare in Pointe Claire
  • CPE Lachine
  • CPE Treehouse in Hudson
  • CPE Tyndale St.Georges in Little Burgundy
  • Tots Time Preschool in Beaconsfield
  • CPE Dollard on De Salaberry
  • CPE les boisverts in DDO
  • Garderie Foundation school daycare in Westmount clos
  • Centre prescolaire Hudson
  • Ecolita Trilingue
  • Coffee party and bake sale St Andrew`s United Church in Chateauguay cancelled
  • The Teapot 50+ Centre in Lachine
  • The Learning Tree Daycare In DDO
  • La Perle De L'enfance Garderie In Beaconsfield
  • Contactivity Seniors Centre In Westmount
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  • John Abbott College9 f9 T  x) f8 ?. g

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