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[律政财税] “恃强凌弱是我的特权!” 魁北克房东如是说

发表于 2017-8-30 01:39:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Quebec Landlord’s Message To a Chinese Tenant : IT IS MY PRIVILEGE TO ABUSE AND BULLY YOU!The Quebecois landlord invoked Art. 1971 of the Civil Code of Quebec to resiliate the lease. The article reads as “ The lessor may obtain the resiliation of the lease if the lessee is over three weeks late in paying the rent or, if he suffers serious injury as a result, where the lessee is frequently late in paying it. “  Note that the date of the request was August 08, 2017.
And here is the rent payment record of the tenant: the rent was paid on July 1st and cashed by the Landlord on July 6; the rent was paid on Aug. 1st and cashed on Aug. 7!
The fact does not matter, “who you are“” matters!

-律政悟空,IForYou, Tumblr blogger, a voice for the little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-30 07:28:30 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-30 08:06:31 | 只看该作者
Art. 1971 of CCQ是regie du logement司法管辖权限下对房客最严厉的一条:只要拖欠房租超过3个星期,就可以要求解除租约,赶房客走人。regie du logement在判这一类官司的时候,只问租客一个问题:你是否拖欠房租?其他任何解释都不会被听取。不过,在法庭上或上庭之前,只要房客交上拖欠的房租,解除租约就基本上没有可能。

然而,在这个案子里,明明租客在准时交房租,房东却动用这一条法律,是愚蠢?还是诈术? 且待后续......
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-30 08:50:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2017-8-30 08:52 编辑

这里面究竟有没有regie du logement暗中把天平偏向一边?

首先说说在regie du logement立案的步骤:
1到regie du logement开案,交费,regie du logement会把签收盖章的立案表格一式两份交给原告,原告要把其中一份送达给对方,有钱有势的一方会采取司法送达(bailiff),土豪么;
2. 被告收到诉状后,到regie du logement了解其权利义务,对于很多类型的案子,regie du logement并不接受反诉书,那就要看双方在法庭的表现,以及裁判官(commissioner)的素养,这个是后话~~~
3. 一般的案子会等上一年左右,会收到regie du logement安排庭讯的通知;
4. 然后开庭,后面的步骤先略过......

被告先收到的是regie du logement安排庭讯的通知,第二天才收到原告经bailiff送达的诉讼原件副本!为什么会这样?估计regie du logement一看到是引述Art.1971条款,而且原告由律师代理,就兴冲冲、忙不迭地安排庭讯要赶走房客,居然让庭讯通知比诉讼原件副本还提前送达!

法律,良心和智慧的高大上,就这么被奸诈的律师败类和魁人至上的regie du logement给玩残了~~~

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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-30 08:56:03 | 只看该作者
律政悟空,IForYou, Tumblr blogger, a voice for the little people, ordinary people and minority people in Quebec, Canada!
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-30 08:59:20 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2017-8-31 13:02:46 | 只看该作者
事实上,房东8月8号立案所引用的是Art. 1863 of CCQ , 为什么呢?因为房东在2015年的租金涨幅没有谈拢后就把房客告到法庭,经过一审休庭,再开庭,revocation庭讯,目前在等待Court of Quebec是否接受上诉请求的书面裁决。在长达两年的缠讼中,各种司法层面的花式奇葩层出不穷,律政悟空, IForYou的Tumblr 博客以及无忧论坛上justiceQC的帖子对此有所披露,楼主以后再详细整理相关案情,奉献给大家。

继续说8月8号的这个案子,房东在还没有等到Court of Quebec裁决书的情况下,就动用Art. 1863 of CCQ, 要求房客把涨幅差价补齐,话说即便是regie du logement的一审裁决也不是房东索要的价钱,他居然索要的是他的开价,有把regie du logement的裁决放在眼里吗? 这还是魁省律师干的事,好“专业”,好“高大上”!

Art. 1861的内容如下:The nonperformance of an obligation by one of the parties entitles the other party to apply for, in addition to damages, specific performance of the obligation in cases which admit of it. He may apply for the resiliation of the lease where the nonperformance causes serious injury to him or, in the case of the lease of an immovable, to the other occupants.
The nonperformance also entitles the lessee to apply for a reduction of rent; where the court grants it, the lessor, upon remedying his default, is nonetheless entitled to the re-establishment of the rent for the future.

房东不但不等Court of Quebec裁决,还不尊重regie du logement的一审裁决,引用Art. 1863条款索要租金涨幅差额之后一想,坏了,自己也有不履行义务的把柄攥着房客手里,于是就不顾房客一直按时付租金的事实,动用1971条款,拉regie du logement的仇恨,各位觉得房东有多大把握能让8月8号案子所花的开案费、多次bailiff司法送达费不打水漂~~~
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