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Account Payable

发表于 2019-8-3 21:55:45 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Account Payable
West Island Telecommunication company is looking for a full time accounting position of Account payable.  Please send your CV to Fernando.Galvez@convergia.com; Minglin.Ji@convergia.com;

  • Reconciles processed work by verifying entries and comparing system reports to balances.
  • Charges expenses to accounts and cost centers by analyzing invoice/expense reports; recording entries.
  • Pays vendors by monitoring discount opportunities; verifying federal id numbers; scheduling and preparing checks; resolving purchase order, contract, invoice, or payment discrepancies and documentation; insuring credit is received for outstanding memos; issuing stop-payments or purchase order amendments.
  • Pays employees by receiving and verifying expense reports and requests for advances; preparing checks.
  • Maintains accounting ledgers by verifying and posting account transactions.
  • Verifies vendor accounts by reconciling monthly statements and related transactions.
  • Maintains historical records by microfilming and filing documents.


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