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[学习资料] COMP 474/6741: Intelligent Systems Project1

发表于 2013-4-25 00:01:29 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

Find two  recent  journal  articles  describing  an  ‘Intelligent System’  in  two  different
application domains (and maybe also from two different perspectives). Summarize the
main points of each article, describing objectives, methods, knowledge representation
and reasoning issues, results, experiments and any limitations of the system whenever

You should also try to cover the following questions:  
1.  What does the application actually do?  
2.  What intelligent technology does it use? Why is it intelligent? What aspect of
it makes it an intelligent system?  
3.  How well does it perform? (According to the authors or to an independent
review? How does it compare to humans? How do the authors know how
well it works?)  
4.  Is it an experimental system or a fielded system? (How many users does it
have? What expertise do these users require?)  
5.   [If applicable] What programming language and environment was it written
in? What sort of user interface does it have?  
6.  References

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