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[谈天说地] 房市开始明显下跌,地产业界开始仓促地寻找借口

发表于 2012-10-5 21:32:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
(据GF ) Financial Post: "房市开始明显下跌,地产业界开始仓促地寻找借口"
As housing market slows, industry scrambles to paint positive picture
Garry Marr | Oct 3, 2012 6:42 PM

Organized real estate is unable, it seems, to admit the glory days may be behind it.

看来,地产业界无法轻易地承认 以往的辉煌已经成为过去式。

Sales plummet in major markets and the industry comes up with a new explanation for the decline, draping its comments with a sense that everything is just fine. The excuses are piling up.
在各大地产区域,成交量已开始大幅缩减。 地产业界开始寻找借口来掩饰这个现实, 继续对大众宣传一切还是美好的。

Ignore what they are saying. Sales are plummeting in Toronto and Vancouver
我们必须不理会这些宣传。 事实是,大温大多成交量已开始急速下跌。

The normal course in any cycle is for sales to correct first and then for prices to follow, he adds. “There is a time lag, that’s what happened in the United States. There’s a time lag as sellers hold on, refusing to drop their asking price, eventually they acknowledge the market has shifted under them.”
在任何一个房市周期,我们会先见到成交量收缩,接着才会见到价位下跌。 这两者之间有一个时滞,如同最近美国的例子。


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