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Native Chinese speaker wanted for emotion communication study in McGill

发表于 2016-11-11 22:50:50 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
The Neuropragmatics and Emotion Lab is looking for NATIVE CHINESE PARTICIPANTS for a study on emotion communication! You will be asked to listen to sounds and sentences and make decisions about the emotions you hear. The study takes about 2 hours, and compensation is $20. Testing will take place at McGill University’s downtown campus. If you are interested, and meet ALL of the following criteria, please contact ccgating2@gmail.com with your name, e-mail and telephone number.
You must be:
• 18-35 years old
• Native Chinese
• Born and raised in Mainland China
• Have learned and spoken Mandarin from birth
• Must not have learned English until age 5
• Normal hearing and no history of psychiatric and neurological disorder
• Lived in Canada and outside of China less than 2 years


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