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[律政] 魁北克的政治正确也是够了!(中英)

发表于 2017-1-31 12:37:38 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
魁北克的政治正确也是够了!Political Correctness Sucks in Quebec, Canada!

远在英国的一位议员立刻在国会上拿这件事情上演政治正确秀,把这件事情定性成“针对穆斯林的仇恨犯罪”。她比生活在魁北克的人更知道穆斯林已经凌驾于一切种族之上,尤其是华人和印第安原住民等少数族裔之上的社会现实趋势吗?在魁北克,只要是华人和穆斯林人卷入的冲突,不必等庭审,你就能预判结果;华人命案:陈慧Hui Chen(Lucy Chen),刘志敏(Maggie Liu)崔晓明,梁凤鸾Florence Leung等案,至今无人问津,就算华人社区已经提请相关部门关注其中的疑点也无济于事。必须要说的是,这些案例有一个共同点:嫌犯背后或是西人老外,或是家底丰厚的有钱人,或者是背后势力强大的组织。
Regarding Quebec mosque shooting, First of all, Iwould like to say that my condolences go to the victims and their families, butthey are victim of what? Several witnesses told the media that there were atleast two masked men shooting but the police later on said one of them with aMuslim name is a "witness”. Do you believe it? Now, a congresswoman in theUK painted this shooting as a hate crime against Muslim, pretending she knows betterthan people living in Quebec regardless the trend shown in Quebec, Canada is that Muslim has a higher priorityover other people, especially other minority people like Chinese and Aboriginalcommunities. You can even predict the result of a case involved a Muslim and aChinese without even going through a trial. Many missing and murdered Chinesecases remain unresolved in Canada such as陈慧Hui Chen(Lucy Chen),刘志敏(Maggie Liu)崔晓明,梁凤鸾Florence Leung, despite lots ofdoubts raised and brought to the Police’s attention by Chinese communities. Onething in common in those cases is that the suspects are non-Chinese, rich or anorganization with a strong back-up.  
Why people have to choose either "rightextremist" or "left extremist"? Why being rational is so hard?One crime from the other extremist side does not justify ISIS!
Political Correctness Sucks in Quebec, Canada!

justiceQC/律政混混, IForYou, Tumblrblogger (English/Chinese), 《魁北克新公司法》中法英三语对照及麻辣诠释第一人!吾心自有光明月,千古团圆水无缺!A voice for little people, ordinary people and minoritypeople in Quebec, Canada!


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