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标题: 中加旅游年背后的跨国违法黑幕 [打印本页]

作者: justiceQC    时间: 2018-1-29 17:12
标题: 中加旅游年背后的跨国违法黑幕
本帖最后由 justiceQC 于 2018-1-29 17:18 编辑

常年申报亏损的企业一夕之间摇身成为上市公司,虽然很少有人知道“Pink Limited”就是垃圾股的标识;中加官员,尤其是中领馆官员一再背书站台的所谓非盈利组织CCEC,居然不是合法成立的非盈利组织。事实确凿的黑幕揭开后,Sinorama和CCEC居然屹立不倒还呼风唤雨,不但坐实了中国情报界“以商养情、商情两旺”的政商贪腐温床,更坐实了加拿大的政界贪腐永远是政府最避讳的taboo. 贪腐的最高境界是跨国贪腐,好不逍遥!
Who is behind Canada-China Year of Tourism 2018?
A fraudulently founded not-for-profit org. CCEC and a corp. who yearly reported insolvent to Revenue Quebec but turned overnight to a “pink limited” listed stock endorsed by bi-countries officers: Sinorama Corporation。 Bi-countries corruption walked away!


OTC Pink Limited Information is used for companies with financial reporting issues, companies in bankruptcy or companies in economic distress, as well as companies unwilling to meet the OTC Pink Basic Disclosure Guidelines. To be placed on this tier, companies must have made an SEC filing or have released financial information within the past six months on the OTC Disclosure and News Service.http://www.investopedia.com/articles/investing/071813/how-play-otc-pink-stocks.asp

作者: justiceQC    时间: 2018-1-29 22:06
该公司提交的财务报表显示从2014年到2016年9月都是资不抵债,至今的net income还是负数,但在上市公司SC成立以前,该集团的控股公司STC是一家在Samoa的公司,为什么选在Samoa? 最大的可能是:Samoa是离岸公司首选,不光是避税,最重要的是,可以让股东的股份逃脱司法追缴:一旦面临司法令(法院判决,扣押资产等),公司成员可以把股份转让给一个特别指定的人.....
It all started in 1987 with the International Companies Act. This was a clever piece of legislation, in particular because of Section 228(B) Asset Protection. According to this clause, if a specified event occurs, a member of the company can elect to have his shares vested in a specified person. A "specified event" can be a court order, foreign government expropriation, or any other event. As an example, a foreign court order to seize the assets of a company can be considered a specified event whereby the ownership of the company immediately shifts to another person (legal or natural).
http://www.internationalman.com/ ... iction-review-samoa

作者: justiceQC    时间: 2018-2-1 00:02
他们最初透过微信,把稀释成0.1分钱的股票,用1比1000的惊人比例(一块钱)发售,就是认准骗华人的钱。去美国上市,诓骗的主战场还是海外华人圈,以及大陆那些以为“外国的股市比较正规”的国人。问问它,既然总部在加拿大,为什么远道跑到美国去上市? 跟国内股民比较迷信、崇拜美国股市没有关系吗?!自始至终,它有介绍他们的股票的pink limited的含义吗?


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