1. 电脑上安装ActiveSync ((ActiveSync 4.5 in WinXP) or
Windows Mobile Device Center ((Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 in Vista and Windows 7)
2. 下载MioPocket(简称MP), igo等(see below for links and more details),
3. 把GPS接电脑USB口,稍等后,一般即可通过MS ActiveSync连接上(对于是否要建立Partner的问题可回答NO).
4. MS ActiveSync里点击Explore,可以看到GPS中的内容.
5. 把\ResidentFlash\Autorun.inf做个备份.然后把它Copy到电脑上,在电脑上用文本编辑器打开它,其中只有一行,应该是\ResidentFlash\DShell\Dshell.exe,把它改成\Windows\Explorer.exe,保存后,把文件替换掉GPS中的原文件.如果要退货,就把Autorun.inf文件备份恢复回去,然后把\ResidentFlash\MioPocket目录删除就好了。就怕你把系统破坏到无法连接上电脑的程度。备份最好在电脑和GPS里各做一份。GPS里的起个简单的名字,比如AutoRun0.inf,到时容易改回去。
6. 断开GPS到电脑USB口的连接。把机器背面的开关打到Reset再打到On,机器会启动运行到WinCE桌面.
7. 把MioPocket解压拷贝到SD卡上,插入GPS.注意不要拷贝MioPocket中的SDFree目录。并且请先用2GB或更小的普通SD Card进行破解。破解成功后才能使用4GB及以上大容量的SDHC卡。
8. 打开桌面的My Device,到\SDMMC(代表SD卡)下,双击运行MioAutoRun.exe,开始安装.安装结束后会自动重启GPS. (如果看不到或不能进入到\SDMMC下,一般是由于存储卡有问题,或与机器不兼容,请注意使用普通的SD卡,或者尝试将SD卡格式化,具体步骤见 QUESTION 1
9. 重启后,应该能正常使用MioPocket, iGO等.但某些功能,比如转换屏幕显示方向的功能不起作用.要特别注意的是千万别安装Transcriber手写板驱动,否则会导致触摸屏失效.
GPS里面有SD卡按照你的指点一步一步还算顺利直到,下载完MP之后解压拷贝到SD上,插回GPS应该在 my device上显示SD卡或什么类似的设备名字,但什么都没有,插回原来的卡可以显示,新买的卡在读卡器,不知道可不可以在电脑上运行MioAutoRun.exe运行,然后插...
1. copy MioPocket to your SD card (don't copy the SDFree folder) and insert it in the GPS.
2. Create a file named YFGo2CE.bld and another file named YFAutorun.inf on the root of your sd card. In both files, write this line of code:
Note: you can create these files as TXT files first, edit them with Notepad then rename them. Make sure you don't hide file extensions. Or when you save them within NotePad, choose "All Files" as "Save as type", then enter the full file name.
3. Open My Device on your desktop, you'll see all the folders.
Open the folder named "SDMMC", this is the sd card. (If there's no SDMMC, it may be "Storage Card" or "My Documents")
Run MioAutoRun.exe from your sd card(SDMMC folder) to install MioPocket, make sure you select the internal memory to install it on. (Not exactly sure what it's. Could be "My Flash Disk" or ResidentFlash)
4. When the installation is done, it'll reboot the GPS. It should work like a super GPS then.
These steps work on Nextar Q4-03 and probably other GPS models having YuanFeng firmware.
Your GPS looks like Nextar 43NT-C, the newer model. Hope it works the same way. 作者: householdwife 时间: 2012-7-1 23:48
谢谢了, 我刚刚把GPS升级了作者: 常官落叶 时间: 2012-7-2 00:17