如果考G类的话,准备起来就容易多了。很多小广告小告示之类的应该是连难民都看得明白的。印象里最后一篇也是科技文,但是比A类简单。我觉得就是要多读科技文,尽快适应感觉。如果有不会的词就要记。题型的话,比较另类的是那个no more than three words,以及true/false/not given,毕竟别的考试很少有这种题。不过只要多做一些题并多琢磨,这都不会是大问题。
2. Some people are considered to be better at learning languages. Do you agree with it, and why do you think it is the case?
有些人更善于学语言. 你觉得是不是这样, 而且你觉得为什么会这样?
魁北克论坛 Quebec BBS .com 3. Some say that everyone should be learning a foreign language in their education. What do you think of that?
有人说每个人都应该学一门外语. 你怎么看?